miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010


Do you want to go to the sea side in Bulgaria?
Are you looking for a delightful resort, reasonable prices and lots of fun?
Don’t you want not to hear “manele” , not to see garbage, to have some luxury and a mixture of tourists like you find yourself at the Tower of Babel?

Go to Sunny Beach!!!

jumping with the parachutejumping with the parachute on the beach
It is Bulgarians own Mamaia; and it is not me who said that, I’ve read over the internet- references from the tourism agencies.
carriage rideNeed a ride in a carriage?
Imagine a place that wherever you look you find different forms of entertainment, restaurants everywhere, one more stylish as another, lights everywhere…the whole resort is seething of life; and a very important detail: it isn’t crowed either the resort nor the beach! It is exactly how it should to feel fine: nor few people so you feel that you’re extra, nor the crowd that we have back home, we breathe one in other’s neck on the beach/in the water/on the sea wall.
electric carselectric cars…one of the means of transportation from the resort
The services are excellent, free shows everywhere in the hotels courts, transportation from little trains, electric cars, carriages, bicycles….to other weird 3 wheeled vehicles, that I don’t know how to name them.
terraceOne of the many terraces, all cozy and warm!
The window shops leave you with a wide open mouth, especially the ones with ice cream ( inghetata ), I even saw a terrace where they made spitted sheep and you could serve yourself.
ice cream
Every piece of land it is valued in one way or another: green space, minigolf, park…you can see the German work!
hotel gardenevery peace of field is valued someway…here is a wonderful garden in front of a hotel
I’ve seen the TUI headquarters- a major tourism operator!
sunny beach bulgaria
The price of the food and beverages is like in our home towns,  not like on the beach, accessible for every pocket.
minigolf courseA golf course!
The resort has 7 km of beach, it is huge!
It is related to Nessebar- which is like their way of Sighisoara, an exotic ride in this medieval town will give more romance and color to your vacation.
The resort is excellent arranged and managed!
Animators everywhere, many ways of fun on the beach from paragliding, sky jet, boat rides…etc.
cliffTheir cliff is full of shops and terraces …..
We were fascinated and this year ( in 2010) we’ll come back to Sunny Beach!
I warmly recommend this resort!
evening walkEvening walk
store beach itemsStores articles from the beach ….

7 comentarii:

  1. Locurile pe care le-ai vizitat sunt minunate,iar serviciile sunt excelente,dupa cum ne povestesti!

  2. Foarte frumos! pacat ca turismul din Romania nu este la fel de dezvoltat...

  3. Vai Alex ce blog frumos,se vede ca ai intrat la comert la buget,esti facut pentru asta,tine-o tot asa =)))))))))))

  4. Foarte frumos..sa speram ca si turismul din Romania va ajunge sa fie macar un sfert de dezvoltat ce cel din strainatate..locuri minunate avem, doar ca nu sunt puse in valoare, nu sunt promovate..

  5. Sunt niste locuri extraordinare si niste tari cu un turism foarte dezvoltat. Insa nu ar trebui sa uitam ca si in tata noastra sunt locuri minunate, dar nu sunt cunoscute de prea multi straini, sunt sigura ca alte tari ar fi profitat din plin de aceste peisaje si ar fi stiut sa le valorifice,sa promoveze astfel de locuri, insa mai avem mult de lucru pentru a ajunge la nivelul altor tari...

  6. Citat din nu mai stiu ce ziar: Mamaia este locul unde oamenii saraci se duc ca sa para bogati iar unde bogatii se duc din lipsa de imaginatie!

  7. sunt niste locuri absolut uimitoare. cine nu si-ar dori o vacanta in astfel de tari unde turisumul este foarte dezvoltat si au o gramada de pachete de calatorie..numai sa avem posibilitati
