miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010


I spent the New Year near Salzburg, but on the 1st of January I visited some of the alpine lakes from Austria (it was one of my objectives). The alpine lakes are pretty close one to each other. We have seen four of them, we left in the morning from Koppl, near Salzburg and went to Graz, but not on the highway, but on a national road, towards Bad Ischl.
We arrived to FuschlSee in 15 minutes and we stopped on the lake coast. I loved the fog that was rising from the surface of the lake. Then we went towards Wolfgangsee, a little bit larger than Fulschsee, at 10 minutes by car…clear water, a landscape with the Alps covered by snow.

Mondsee Lakes

After that we went towards Mondsee, behind the lake and we passed through Atteresee, a big lake, where in summer time you can bathe and cruise. From Atteresee we returned on the lake’s Mondsee shore to the Mondsee station, from MondseeLand. Actually the Mondsee station we have seen and did by step.
alpine lakes
Lake Mondsee
A stylish station, very quiet. It has a nice park on the shore of the lake, an imposing dome In the center of the station and a very nice candle store right near the dome. I stood about 30 minutes on a bench, in front of the lake, to admire the Alps. Swans walking and ducks. Relaxing moment!
mondsee resort
MondSee Resort
I wish to come in summer too. The alpine lakes really deserve to be seen, for the landscape and for the calm and coquette stations over the shores.

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